Cycles have been an integral part of our childhood. They are our very first adventure and achievement. It is our cycles that teach us to be independent in the journey of life.  As we grew, so did the shape and size of our cycles. But they remain constant in lifting our spirits and being a means of escape from the troubles of ordinary life. All you need to forget your troubles, is drive out on your cycle and let the gust of wind carry your troubles away.

                     If you are running out of Art journal ideas, try making this bujo on bicycles. Here are the things required:

  • Stickers, clippings from newspapers or magazines
  • Washi tapes
  • Scissors
  • Glue


art journal blog idea


                          I have started off by adding an aesthetic sticker featuring cycles as my background. On the right side of my Art journal, I have added stickers related to cycles like ‘World Bicycle Day’, a sticker saying ‘A Bicyclist’ and an arrow board pointing directions. This shows my pride and love for cycling.

                         The next sticker is a picture of a girl riding her cycle on my art journal diary. This very picture evokes happy memories.

                          It takes me back to a time when I was taught by my dad to ride a cycle and I would stumble forward slowly, my face scrunched with the fear of falling. I also recall the happy look on my family’s face when I finally learnt to ride all by myself and would thereby happily head off to school each day on my cycle.

                          My cycle never ceased to amaze me back then. I always looked forward to going home on my cycle, with the wind on my face, ruffling through my hair, it was the closest thing to flying.


blog art journal ideas

                          On the left side of my Art journal is a colorful sticker that I found that says ‘I Want To Ride My Bicycle. There is a sticker of a teal cycle that hit close to home as it very much resembled the one, I owned as a kid. There is another beautiful sticker of pink cycle on my Art Journal Diary and a direction board above for scenic countries like Paris, Dubai, London, New York and Tokyo.

                          Everywhere around me I see a craze for luxury cars and racer bikes. But cycles will always be the one for me. With cycles, there is no rush nor the noise of traffic., letting you stop and take in everything around you.  It is natural and becomes a part of you, the heart and the pedal working in symphony.

Neorah bicycle day blog


                         Cycling as simple as it might seem will teach you to stay balanced and keep moving in life. When in doubt, pedal it out!


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