
Showing posts from June, 2023


                              Cycles have been an integral part of our childhood. They are our very first adventure and achievement. It is our cycles that teach us to be independent in the journey of life.  As we grew, so did the shape and size of our cycles. But they remain constant in lifting our spirits and being a means of escape from the troubles of ordinary life. All you need to forget your troubles, is drive out on your cycle and let the gust of wind carry your troubles away.                      If you are running out of  Art journal ideas , try making this bujo on bicycles. Here are the things required: Stickers, clippings from newspapers or magazines Washi tapes Scissors Glue THE CHILD IN YOU!                             I have started off by adding an aesthetic sticker featuring cycles as my background. On the right side of my Art journal ,  I have added stickers related to cycles like ‘ World Bicycle Day’ , a sticker saying ‘A Bicyclist’ and an arrow board pointing directio


    Living with   OCD   is quite a challenge. The mind is carried away by persistent and disturbing thoughts and urges that cannot be easily dismissed. It can look simple on the outside like double checking locked doors, being hygienic or a tad insomniac. But these outward expressions usually stem from deep rooted fears.                        The person who seems to be extra cautious could be harboring a fear of getting harmed. Some people fear contaminating a deadly disease and are pushed to the extent of staying secluded from people. The insomniac would often spend sleepless nights, overthinking, having self-doubts, and analyzing every conversation that he/she has had so far. This not only affects the physical and emotional well- being of that person but also the relationships that the person holds with others.                        These worries churning through the mind can bring a lot of stress and anxiety, hence most people repeat some activities like washing hands, organizing,