

     We generally use journals to write, sketch or doodle.  It is a safe house that keeps our ideas and creativity safe. But a   journal diary notebook can be much more than this. It can serve as a powerful tool that helps organise our life and time. This type of flexible and creative journaling is known Bullet journaling/ BuJo. A bullet journal can be used not just to list and review tasks but also to manage time efficiently with Time Blocking. What is Time Blocking?                      Time Blocking is a technique where the day is divided into blocks of time and tasks are allotted to each block. This technique is an effective way to maximize productivity as it improves concentration and drives you into action by making you focus on one task at a time rather than panicking over a piling list of tasks.                      Through time blocking, one can learn to organize and allot the days’ time based on the nature of tasks and complete it within the stipulated time. It can also be pe


      Messenger bags are truly distinct from other everyday bags as they are made with both style and functionality in mind. The unique design of the   Messenger bags   and the comfort they offer has made them a popular choice among both men and women in formal as well as casual settings. Here is a list of reasons why you should own a Messenger Bag from Neorah right away. Exceptional craftsmanship                       The Messenger bags from Neorah possess a unique charm as they are meticulously handcrafted.  These messenger bags are made with Vegan Leather featuring the trending cross hatch pattern and premium gold toned YKK zipper that elevates the elegance and resists wear and tear. Not only are these bags durable at their best but also eco- friendly and sustainable.                       Nothing is more painful than your favorite bag snapping on a crucial day. So, we’ve designed our Vegan  leather messenger bag  with a lot of attention and care, so they never give up on you.      


                                    Most often we are far too focused on the big goals that we forget our little dreams and aspirations along the way. Those little dreams are our bottled- up spirit of adventure and excitement. They can be as simple as watching the sunset or as daring as trying bungee jumping. But fulfilling these dreams is what makes life memorable and joyful.                          The best way to do that is by making a bucket list. Making a bucket list on a journal is not just one of the many interesting  journal ideas but also an extra motivation to live the life that you desire and a reminder to seize the moment in this fleeting life.                           Here is a bucket list curated specially for summer to make the best of what is left of this season. Summer, the liveliest and the most vibrant of all seasons, beholds many interesting activities. It’s time to embrace all the goofiness and relive the happy childhood days that we spent basking under the sun.


                          Be it work or school, some days are particularly overwhelming. The list of to- dos keep piling and so does the anxiety to complete it on time. But unfortunately, instead of diving into action right away, the stressed mind decides to take unnecessary breaks, knowing very well that precious time is being lost.                        There is a different case scenario but with the same end result. There is a lot of time left to complete a simple task at hand. But rather than completing the task asap, our brain being aware of the abundance of time, goes into a lethargic, slumber mode. We end up doing that simple task all day and complete it only in the last hour when the adrenaline kicks in owing to the fast- approaching deadline.                       The unproductivity in both the cases is due to the lack of planning. A proper and detailed action plan is all that is needed to push us into completing our tasks well on time and keep us from getting distracted or p


                              Cycles have been an integral part of our childhood. They are our very first adventure and achievement. It is our cycles that teach us to be independent in the journey of life.  As we grew, so did the shape and size of our cycles. But they remain constant in lifting our spirits and being a means of escape from the troubles of ordinary life. All you need to forget your troubles, is drive out on your cycle and let the gust of wind carry your troubles away.                      If you are running out of  Art journal ideas , try making this bujo on bicycles. Here are the things required: Stickers, clippings from newspapers or magazines Washi tapes Scissors Glue THE CHILD IN YOU!                             I have started off by adding an aesthetic sticker featuring cycles as my background. On the right side of my Art journal ,  I have added stickers related to cycles like ‘ World Bicycle Day’ , a sticker saying ‘A Bicyclist’ and an arrow board pointing directio


    Living with   OCD   is quite a challenge. The mind is carried away by persistent and disturbing thoughts and urges that cannot be easily dismissed. It can look simple on the outside like double checking locked doors, being hygienic or a tad insomniac. But these outward expressions usually stem from deep rooted fears.                        The person who seems to be extra cautious could be harboring a fear of getting harmed. Some people fear contaminating a deadly disease and are pushed to the extent of staying secluded from people. The insomniac would often spend sleepless nights, overthinking, having self-doubts, and analyzing every conversation that he/she has had so far. This not only affects the physical and emotional well- being of that person but also the relationships that the person holds with others.                        These worries churning through the mind can bring a lot of stress and anxiety, hence most people repeat some activities like washing hands, organizing,


                                 Travel is the most exciting thing one can experience in this life. The thrill of exploring new places with different people, languages and cultures, have no substitute. Whether it is a fun retreat with friends, a peaceful vacation with family or a solo adventure, a dopamine rush is guaranteed when you travel.                         While your travel can be utmost pleasant, making it through airport security, to your flight is no fun. There is the stress of getting to the airport on time hurdling through the traffic. Mini heart attacks waiting in store when you rummage through your bag for your passport, wondering if you brought it. Tiring, long queues at luggage handling, security pass and boarding.                        Keeping your passport and your most important documents, safe and handy throughout, definitely eases the tension. What you need is a  passport cover  to accompany and help with a hassle- free trip. Save all important documents like yo