
Showing posts from April, 2023


                         There is a certain delight in just letting your mind wander, allowing it to take you to the happy hours of your life. Our mind is a wonderful time machine. You forget the world around you, losing all sense of place and time. It is like watching a movie, where all the vivid memories play one after another and you are spellbound by the magic.                        Here are some of the things you would need to indulge in the process of reminiscing through  Junk Journaling :   Neorah’s Art Journal Stickers, clippings from newspapers or magazines, vintage stamps Washi tapes Scissors Glue NOSTALGIA :                           I started off this page of my  Bullet Journal Diary  with pictures that took me back to a time when I really enjoyed reading the book “Heidi” from my school library. The story is so vividly described that I could picture it all in my mind, as I kept reading. The little girl’s clipping for me is Heidi, the girl who lived in the Alps with her gra


  What is mental wellness?                            Mental wellness is an important part of the overall health of an individual and it is all encompassing. It determines our physical, psychological and social well-being. It is not just about being free of trauma or a major disorder. It is about being in a happy state of mind that enables you to be your best self, balance and cope with the challenges that life throws at us every day. How can a planner promote mental health? Finding balance                        Most of us have a busy career that consumes all our energy and time. Using a  planner  will help you balance both your personal and professional life effortlessly. Plan ahead and allot time for important tasks and deadlines. With the trouble of planning out of your way, you can make time for people and yourself too.        2.Taking control                  “ You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”                                                    


                               Your desk is your personal bubble where you work you plans, your goals, strategies and take the leap towards success. It is important to keep it organized to fuel your energy and create a positive impact.                               Having to start your morning in a cluttered desk is a big- time mood spoiler. Sometimes it is also a reflection of the confusion in your mind and can make things seem out of control. Studies show that when your environment is de organised, it can cause an elevation in your cortisol levels, leading to stress and depression.                               Here are simple ways to have an organised work space and put the chaos out of your sight and out of your mind: Organising your desk                            Organising your desk can make you feel empowered and excited to start with your work. It is a simple task that involves removing and replacing less used objects and maximizing space. To figure out which things are often


                               How do we usually pick a bag? We pick a bag that matches our outfit or we pick a bag that matches the shoes. Have you considered picking a bag that matches your aura? Of course, we are all for the classic black bags and white bags that go well with any outfit. But matching with your aura will give you a boost of energy. It will make you more confident, feel better about yourself and let you be in your element all day. It will also make your wardrobe more attractive by adding a pop of color to the monochrome.                      Before you decide to match with your aura, you need to find a bag that will suit your needs.                           If you are looking for a bag that will carry your world from laptop and charger to lipstick and a snack, then  Tote Bags for women  are your soul mates.                                If you need a bag for a casual day out with minimal essentials, then consider our Elegantly structured, stylish and spacious, Elean